A Great Adventure

puzzlesThe parenting journey is not for the faint of heart. In fact, it can even be so puzzling at times that it seems like pieces of the path are actually missing. In between shared warmth and giggles are often unexplained moments (and sometimes years) when holding onto a connected relationship with your child feels almost impossible. No matter what age or stage you are journeying through, it definitely takes courage and fierce determination to stay the course.

Yet, sometimes all we really need is a fresh perspective. We need someone to pull out the map again and highlight the path we thought we were already on or point out a new route which steadies us enough to change direction all together. I know, I’ve been on this parenting journey for over 30 years!

This blog is about discovering a path through the topography of parenting and finding some of those missing pieces along the way. So take a deep breath, I’ve got the map. Let’s ask the Lord to be our guide and get started. Great adventures are always better when they’re shared!

May you find blessings along the way,


Solving Parenting Puzzles, LLC